I had this idea in September to create a list of 30 things to do/ accomplish/ etc before I turn 30 years old. I decided to start on my 25th birthday in December so I will have 5 years to check off my list. When I was thinking about turning 25 and looking back at my life so far, all that I've done and realized how much more I want to do! There are things I want to accomplish in my life and what I want my life to be...some are out of my control, but a simple wish on my part. :) So here we go! I'm using this as a documentation of achieving items on my list...and my everyday life too. Hopefully I'm better at this blogging thing than when I tried this before :)
Here is my official 30 before 30 List!
1. Visit Maine, preferably in the fall
2. Go on a mission trip
3. Sell something that I have made- such as a painted canvas, homemade cards, etc
4. Visit Sarah in Denver and go hiking in the Rockies
5. Attend a concert, preferably country!
6. Read through the Bible 2x
7. Get married (this one is pretty much out of my control, but it still makes the list!)
8. Have a baby
9. Road trip to the Grand Canyon
10. Visit Harold and Arlene in Idaho
11. Stay at the Netten Campout the whole week
12. Travel to Honduras to visit Christa
13. Start a retirement plan
14. Mail a card one time a month, every month
15. Spend 2 weekends a year unplugged from internet, email, TV, and phone
16. Go camping in the Boundary Waters
17. Pay off loan from Mom and Dad
18. Finish scrapbooks of Rachel's wedding and Sara's wedding
19. Try a new recipe 6x each year
20. Tithe every month
21. Volunteer at a food bank or something similar
22. Devotional time 4x a week
23. Have a girls' weekend: at least 3 out of the 5 years
24. 30 days of no clothes shopping 3x a year
25. Blog once a week all 5 years
26. Go to a zoo
27. Go on at least 1 date a year
28. Travel to Canada
29. Re-finish/ re-do a piece of furniture
30. Buy a new car
I'm looking forward to crossing things off my list!! It's a good mix of easy things to accomplish and good goals to reach for myself.
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